The violin is an evolution of bowed stringed
instruments that began more than ten centuries ago. However, we saw the first
actual violin about 500 years ago in Italy. At the time, a sophisticated school
of music existed in the city of Bresicia in which students were able to learn
all about musical instruments of that time.
This is where many music instrument
ideas came from including that of the first violin.
The specific date of the first violin is unknown
since there have not been any official documents found stating the factual
information, although artwork and references to such a stringed instrument have
placed the first appearance to be approximately 1530 AD. There were 3 main
instruments from which the violins design was obtained. These include: the Viola
da Braccio, the Rebec and the Lira da Braccio.
The goal of the original violin is believed to be
the creation of an instrument that could be used by musicians on the streets to
be able to produce similar acoustic abilities of that of the lute. The Medici
family is who has been accredited to have released the first edition of such an
One of the most well known of all ancient violin
makers is Antonio Stradivari. He is
credited in creating around eleven hundred musical instruments throughout his
lifetime. There are currently about six hundred left today of which
approximately 90% are violins.
The All of Europe seemed to appreciate the violin as
it quickly became very popular among musicians. Similar to the evolution of the
guitar, the violin has remained very similar to that of the original. Original
versions are very popular among collectors and avid musicians.
Some improvements have been made to the instrument
in the past decades which made it what we all know today. These changes include
an alteration to the design which works similar to the horn design in other
instruments to amplify the sound emitted from the violin. This new design is
known as the Stroh violin.
The most modern version would be the electric violin
in which the electric guitar idea was utilized to create a new version which
used electrical amplification and sound alteration. The results is a version of
the violin that could play classic sounds as well as a variety of synthesized
sounds which are used in a large variety of different styles of modern music